Salud: Consejos para vivir más tiempo

Haga al menos 30 minutos de ejercicio diario. No es ningún secreto; tener un estilo de vida saludable a base de una buena dieta (sana y variada) unido al ejercicio físico diario controlado, ayudan a mejorar la calidad de vida y aumenta la esperanza de vida. Estos son los dos pilares fundamentales para gozar de una buena salud durante  mucho tiempo, junto al descanso y a otra serie de factores como evitar el estrés laboral, familiar, etc.

Hay un gran número de estudios realizados enfocados a encontrar la dosis “óptima” de ejercicio que asegure una reducción de la mortalidad.

Aunque pueda parecer sorprendente, después de realizar distintos estudios hasta el momento, se ha podido demostrar que al menos 15 minutos de actividad diaria o promedio de ejercicio cardiovascular de intensidad moderada, redujeron un 14% el riesgo de todas las causas de mortalidad con respecto al grupo de control que no realizaba ninguna actividad física.

Hacer ejercicio es lo más adecuados para poder mantener una vida saludable y además  lograr el objetivo que se han propuesto. Dar caminatas es una actividad muy recomendada para empezar una actividad física si hace mucho que están inactivos. Sin embargo ésta no es la única alternativa de ejercicio aeróbicotambién pueden ser reemplazadas por la bicicleta, ya sea fija o de paseo, la natación o la gimnasia aeróbica.

Toda la actividad debe comprometer un traslado, para que de esta forma se pueda fortalecer los huesos, en especial los huesos de la cadera, porque luego de los cuarenta años, se ve incrementada la hipotonía muscular. Por medio de un ejercicio saludable se podrá sostener un tono muscular óptimo, una práctica que logre combinar los ejercicios aeróbicos con otros de tonificación muscular tales como las cargas de pesas livianas o moderadas.

Será fundamental empezar de manera gradual, para luego ir incrementando el ritmo, a medida que se logre un mayor entrenamiento. Es normal en muchos casos que las mujeres empiecen de golpe haciendo los ejercicios y además sobre exigiéndose con rutinas de alta intensidad y con un elevado impacto, pero de esta forma se perjudicarán las articulaciones y provocarán dolores y lesiones en los músculos.

Consejos para vivir más tiempo (V)

Consejos para vivir más tiempo

Consejos para vivir más tiempo

No fumar: El consumo de tabaco es la principal causa de enfermedad, discapacidad y muerte en el mundoCada año mueren más de 5 millones de personas en el mundo a causa del tabaquismo y si no se toman medidas adecuadas en el año 2030 serian 10 millones de muertes; 7 millones de ellas en países pobres. Se estima que la mitad de los fumadores muere de una enfermedad relacionada al consumo de tabaco y que viven en promedio 10-15 años menos que los no fumadores. Las causas de muerte más importantes relacionadas con el consumo de tabaco son: enfermedades del corazón, cáncer y enfermedades respiratorias.

Los venenos del cigarrillo afectan a todo el cuerpo. El humo del cigarrillo contiene más de 4.000 sustancias químicas dañinas, como el monóxido de carbono, el cianuro, el formol, el plomo y la nicotina.

La nicotina es una droga presente, naturalmente, en la planta del tabaco. Al fumar, la nicotina entra en los pulmones y es absorbida rápidamente en el torrente sanguíneo y luego es transportada al cerebro en cuestión de segundos. La nicotina causa adicción a los cigarrillos y a otros productos de tabaco, lo cual es semejante a la adicción producida al usar drogas como la heroína y la cocaína. Es por esto que cuando algunas personas dejan de fumar al principio pueden tener algunos síntomas como ansiedad, inquietud, frustración, impaciencia, dolores de cabeza, irritabilidad, depresión, problemas para dormir, incremento del apetito, aumento de peso entre otros.

Algunos consejos que debemos seguir si queremos dejar de fumar:

– Haga un Plan: De lo que va a hacer en lugar de fumar en esos momentos en que hay mayor probabilidad de hacerlo.

Sea lo más específico posible. Por ejemplo, tome té en lugar de café, ya que es posible que el té no desencadene el deseo por un cigarrillo o de un paseo cuando se sienta estresado.

Retire los ceniceros y cigarrillos del automóvil y en su lugar coloque galletas o confites duros. Finja que fuma utilizando una paja en la boca.

Encuentre actividades que le ocupen las manos y la mente, pero que no sean agotadoras ni engordadoras. Los juegos de computadora, solitario, tejer, coser y hacer crucigramas pueden ayudar.

– Cambie su estilo de vida: Cambie su horario y hábitos diarios. Coma a horas diferentes o consuma varias comidas pequeñas en lugar de tres grandes. Siéntese en una silla diferente o incluso en un cuarto diferente. Satisfaga sus hábitos orales en formas diferentes. Coma apio u otro refrigerio bajo en calorías. Mastique goma de mascar sin azúcar o chupe una rama de canela.Vaya a lugares públicos y restaurantes donde fumar esté prohibido o restringido.Haga más ejercicio. Camine o monte en bicicleta. El ejercicio le ayuda a aliviar las ganas de fumar.– Establezca Metas: para dejar de fumar a corto plazo y recompénsese cuando las logre. Todos los días, ponga en un frasco el dinero que normalmente gasta en cigarrillos. Luego compre algo que le guste.Trate de no pensar en todos los días que quedan por delante en los que necesitará abstenerse de fumar. Tome las cosas un día a día.

Incluso una calada o un cigarrillo harán que el deseo por más cigarrillos sea más fuerte. Sin embargo, es normal cometer errores. Aunque fume un cigarrillo, no necesita fumar el próximo.

Igualmente se puede vincular a algún programa para dejar de fumar, existen varios medicamentos en el mercado que también puede ayudarle a dejar la nicotina.

Hormone Replacement Therapy from Eddie Armas MD

Hormone Replacement Therapy from Eddie Armas MD on Vimeo.

Call us (305) 284-8483 to schedule an appointment to begin your journey to a healthier you.

Hormone Replacement Therapy

Low libido

Trouble sleeping


Weight gain


Mood swings

Erectile dysfunction

Decreased muscle mass

Anti-Oxidants Testing

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Introduction to Anti-oxidants testing and Free Radicals

Anti-Oxidants testing:  We come into this world with healthy cells, but every day the negative effects of free radicals add to the damage of the previous day. In fact, many of the processes we call “aging” are simply evidence of the minute, cumulative effects of free radical damage on cells and tissues in the skin, heart, blood vessels, brain, and so forth. What are free radicals and, more importantly, how can free radical damage be prevented? The answer lies with antioxidants, the molecules that fight free radicals.

What Are Free Radicals?

Free radicals are highly reactive, unstable molecules that cause damage to healthy cells, leading to internal aging as well as visible signs of external aging. Each day, our young, healthy skin is exposed to trillions of free radicals; they are created inside our bodies through normal, necessary chemical reactions and all around us through pollution, UV radiation, x-rays, stress, strenuous exercise, and smoking.  Smoking in particular can be harmful: each cigarette releases ten quadrillion free radicals into the lungs. This is why smokers age so much faster than nonsmokers.  And this is why anti-oxidants testing is important to do.

Free Radicals

Overexposure to free radicals damages not only our cells’ ability to function, but also the integrity of our cells’ overall composition, resulting in a next generation of cells that is less healthy and less productive than the cells they came from. In the case of our skin, cells exposure to free radicals can mean that over time our fibroblasts—the cells responsible for collagen and elastin production—work less efficiently to produce the skin protein necessary for skin smoothness, firmness, and elasticity. Although this decrease in collagen and elastin production happens gradually beneath the outermost surface of our skin, it becomes visible sometime in our late 20s or early 30s when we look in the mirror and discover our first wrinkle.

Free radicals damage lipids, proteins, and DNA (DNA is present in the nucleus of almost every cell, stores all genetic information, and dictates cellular functions). This damage is the root cause of aging. Every day, the DNA in a single cell receives thousands of free radical assaults. While our cells have repair enzymes that fix most of this damage, unfortunately, as we get older, the delicate balance between damage and repair becomes uneven. When cells with damaged DNA replicate, they create cells with imperfect structure and a compromised ability to function.

In addition to the molecular DNA damage that free radicals create, they also cause damage to other basic cellular structures such as mitochondria, the structures inside the cell responsible for cellular energy production. Think of the cell as a small factory. In this factory, thousands of mitochondria act like tiny power generators that enable the cell to function properly.

When scientists talk about the effect of free radicals on cellular components, such as DNA or mitochondria, they say the structure has been “oxidized.” When free radicals oxidatively damage cell structures, the health of the entire cell is weakened. For more information on how free radicals work, see Technical Appendix A at the end of this article.

Antioxidants Are Anti-Aging

Despite the seemingly overwhelming assault of free radicals on our healthy cells, there is a line of defense. Antioxidants are a category of nutrients that have the ability to defend our cells by fighting cell-damaging free radicals. Since free radicals are created both in the environment and in our bodies, a continuous supply of antioxidants is critical for internal and external health and longevity. By defending our cells against free radicals, antioxidants can help slow the internal and external aging processes.

Just as Dr. Eddie Armas and nutrition experts recommend a high intake of antioxidants from a variety of fruits and vegetables and nutritional supplements, skin care experts are now recognizing the anti-aging benefits of topically applied antioxidants. Some skin care products offer antioxidant benefits directly to the skin by including antioxidant-rich vitamins and extracts in their formulations.

There are hundreds of known antioxidants, many of which are plant derived. In order to protect their constantly exposed tissues from free radicals, plants have developed free radical fighting phytochemicals as a natural defense system. Every plant contains hundreds of phytochemicals, many of which provide antioxidant protection and fulfill many other essential functions.

Antioxidants work together to fight free radicals directly or to regenerate and support other antioxidants; in other words, antioxidants rely on a network for protection and support. In the antioxidant network, carotenoids are the first line of defense. By destroying free radicals, carotenoids protect and enable other antioxidants to perform their more specific and critical functions.

Biophotonic Scanner

The patented Pharmanex BioPhotonic Scanner is the world’s first immediate, noninvasive method of measuring overall carotenoid antioxidant activity.  The incredible Pharmanex BioPhotonic Scanner has transformed the way we look at our health, and has created a business opportunity like no other in the world.

You can increase your Skin Carotenoid Score by eating a healthy diet with plenty of fruits and vegetables, and by taking a high-quality, comprehensive supplement that provides antioxidants. When supplementing with any Pharmanex® LifePak® product, you receive over 20 antioxidants including a carotenoid blend of beta-carotene, lycopene, alpha-carotene, and lutein, as well as a catechin-rich polyphenol and flavonoid blend. LifePak provides a powerful antioxidant arsenal to help protect against damaging free radical attacks. As you continue to eat more fuits and vegetables and supplement with LifePak, you can track your Skin Carotenoid Score for evidence of improved antioxidant activity and protection. Scanning for antioxidant activity empowers you with a personalized assessment you can use to develop an antioxidant defense strategy.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the Scanner?

It’s a revolutionary tool developed by Pharmanex to measure the carotenoid antioxidant levels in your skin-and prove the effectiveness of your supplements in improving your overall antioxidant health.

What does the Scanner do?

Place the palm of your hand in front of the Scanner’s safe, low-energy blue light, and you will obtain an immediate reading of the carotenoid antioxidant levels in your skin-your Skin Carotenoid Score.

Why should I be scanned?

By measuring the stable level of carotenoid antioxidants in your skin and generating your Skin Carotenoid Score, the Scanner provides a more accurate and reliable biomarker of your overall antioxidant health status than other methods of measuring antioxidants. Getting your Skin Carotenoid Score makes you aware of the antioxidant levels in your body-and gives you the push you need to improve your overall antioxidant health.

CLICK HERE to learn more about Botox to help with Anti-Aging treatments.


Food Intolerance Test

The Technology

Food allergy is an IgE immune system response that is typically characterized by hives, shortness of breath, upset stomach and in some cases anaphylaxis. The most common food allergies are to nuts, shellfish, wheat and dairy. According to the Food Allergy & Anaphylaxis Network, only about 4% of the United States population has a food allergy. The ALCAT Test does not detect Food Allergy.

Food intolerance, on the other hand, is much more common than food allergies and is characterized by digestive disorders, migraines, obesity, chronic fatigue, aching joints, skin disorders and behavioral issues. It has been stated that upwards of 70-80% of the US population has food intolerance. Unfortunately for many, those food intolerance symptoms are often identified as individual problems and treated as such, thus treating the symptoms and not the cause. The ALCAT is the most effective Food Intolerance Test available.

Food Panel test:

Acorn Squash, Almond, Amaranth, Anchovy, Apple, Apricot, Artichoke, Asparagus, Avocado, Baker’s Yeast, Banana, Barley, Basil, Bay Leaf, Beef, Bell Pepper Mix (green, red, yellow and orange peppers), Blackberry, Black Beans, Black Currant, Black Pepper, Black-Eyed Pea, Blueberry, Bok Choy, Brazil Nut, Brewer’s Yeast, Broccoli, Brussels Sprout, Buckwheat, Buffalo, Butternut Squash, Cabbage, Candida Albicans, Cane Sugar, Canola Oil, Cantaloupe, Caraway, Cardamom, Carob, Carrot, Casein, Cashew, Catfish, Cauliflower, Cayenne Pepper, Celery, Chamomile, Cherry, Chicken, Chicken Liver, Chickpea, Chili Pepper, Cinnamon, Clam, Clove, Cocoa, Coconut, Codfish, Coffee, Coriander, Corn, Cottonseed, Cow’s Milk, Crab, Cranberry, Cucumber, Cumin, Date, Dill, Duck, Egg White, Egg Yolk, Eggplant, Endive, Fava Bean, Fennel, Fig, Flaxseed, Flounder, Fructose, Garlic, Ginger, Gluten/Gliadin, Goat’s Milk, Grape, Grapefruit, Green Pea, Haddock, Halibut, Hazelnut, Honey, Honeydew Melon, Hops, Iceberg Lettuce, Jalapeno Pepper, Kale, Kelp, Kidney Bean, Kiwi, Lamb, Leaf Lettuce, Lemon, Leek, Lentil Bean, Licorice, Lima Bean, Lime, Lobster, Macadamia Nut, Mackerel, Mahi Mahi, Malt, Mango, Maple Sugar, Millet, Mung Bean, Mushroom, Mussel, Mustard, Navy Bean, Nectarine, Nutmeg, Oat, Okra, Olive, Onion, Orange, Oregano, Oyster, Papaya, Paprika, Parsley, Parsnip, Peach, Peanut, Pear, Pecan, Peppermint, Pineapple, Pine Nut, Pinto Bean, Pistachio, Plum, Pomegranate, Pork, Portobello Mushroom, Psyllium, Pumpkin, Quinoa, Radish, Raspberry, Red Beet/Beet Sugar, Rice (Brown/White), Romaine Lettuce, Rosemary, Rye, Safflower, Saffron, Sage, Salmon, Sardine/Herring, Scallions, Scallop, Sea Bass, Sesame, Shrimp, Snapper, Sole, Sorghum, Soybean, Spelt, Spinach, Squid, Strawberry, String Bean, Sunflower, Sweet Potato, Swiss Chard, Swordfish, Tapioca, Tea, Thyme, Tilapia, Tomato, Trout, Tuna, Turkey, Turmeric, Turnip, Vanilla, Veal, Venison, Walnut, Watercress, Watermelon, Wheat, Whey, White Potato, Wild Rice, Yellow Squash, Zucchini.

Food Additives:

Aspartame, Benzoic Acid, Blue #1, Blue #2, Butylated Hydroxy Anisole (BHA), Butylated Hydroxy Toluene (BHT), Erythritol, Green #3, MSG, Polysorbate 80, Potassium Nitrate, Red #1 & Red #40, Saccharine, Sodium Sulfite, Sorbic Acid, Sucralose, Yellow #5 & Yellow #6, Xylitol.

Adrenal Stress Profiling

An increased cortisol level, a decreased DHEA-S level, or a decrease in the DHEA-S cortisol ratio is an indication of a chronically stressful physical or mental condition.Stress is a major underlying cause of many chronic illnesses, from Chronic Fatigue Syndrome to food and environmental allergies. A stressful lifestyle can lead to consistently high levels of cortisol and low levels of DHEA (dehydoepiandosterone), which can be damaging to the brain and other tissues. Cortisol elevation also impacts immune responses, such as secretory IgA (sIgA) and antigliadin antibody (AGA) production. The Adrenal Stress Profile is a measure of an individual’s response to stress. It is also an important tool for pointing to adrenal imbalances that may be impacting a patient’s health.

The adrenocortical hormones, cortisol and DHEA, are steroids that affect carbohydrate, protein, and lipid metabolism. They also serve as modulators of thyroid function and help the body manage stress. When levels of DHEA and cortisol change, it may indicate significant variations in adrenal function that can impact an individual’s energy levels, emotions, and even disease resistance.

When the Adrenal Stress Profile indicates an inappropriate hormonal stress response, it is necessary to consider stress reduction through diet and lifestyle modification, and nutritional supplementation to support adrenal gland activity and enhance the restoration of the physical barrier in the gut

How Adrenal Glands Work

Salivary Hormone Testing

Importance of Hormone Testing

Hormonal imbalances have been linked to a broad spectrum of health conditions and clinical symptoms in both men and women. As science has shown, hormones decline and change as we age. Identifying and managing such changes is critical in the prevention of many chronic diseases. Measuring critical hormone levels and interpreting the results can help explain symptoms and accurately recommend proper treatment. This makes hormone testing an essential element of every annual check-up and disease-prevention program.  Below you will find two different types of testing we conduct:

Why Salivary Hormone Testing?

Salivary hormone testing measures unbound, or free, hormone levels in the body, unlike serum based hormone testing. Salivary hormone testing accurately reflects the active and unbound hormones which are biologically available to their receptors in target tissues. Since its development, salivary hormone testing has been gaining popularity as a testing methodology in large part due to its simplicity and non-invasive method of collection. Further, the ease of sample collection allows for accurate timing to obtain samples at critical intervals throughout the day, yielding more accurate results than blood or serum testing. Since hormone levels may vary during the day or during the month, multiple saliva specimens can be collected, conveniently offering precise measurement. The inherent stability of salivary hormones also allows latitude in collection and shipment.

Simply put, hormone saliva testing tells us the amount of hormones in our body that are actually usable by our cells; where as blood testing evaluates all circulating hormones regardless of their availability to our cells.

What are some of the common symptoms and Conditions associated with hormonal imbalance?

Cardiovascular disease
Depression & irritability
Low sex drive, libido
Weight gain and decreased muscle tone
Memory loss, foggy thinking & Alzheimer’s disease
Insomnia & sleep disturbances
Hair thinning and loss
Osteopenia and Osteoporosis

Who should be tested?

Both men and women experience changes in hormone levels with age. Sometimes those changes result in unpleasant symptoms that demand attention. Often, the changes are more subtle yet there is still an impact on overall health. Hormone testing is applicable for:

  • Men and women concerned with changing hormone levels as a result of age.
  • Cycling women experiencing PMS symptoms, perhaps related to a hormonal imbalance.
  • Peri and post-menopausal women concerned with their estradiol and progesterone levels for replacement considerations.
  • Those wishing to monitor their hormone levels following replacement therapy (oral, sublingual or topical), and subsequently regulate their supplement levels.
  • Anyone with symptoms involving fatigue, insomnia, stress, immunity problems, blood sugar problems, and overweight should be tested for cortisol levels as well as “sex” hormones.
  • Men and women of any age who are having symptoms of hormone imbalances should test for all hormones that may be associated with their symptoms. Men and women over the age of forty may want to do a baseline test. Frequently imbalances will be detectable for a time period before symptoms gain attention.