Entries by Eddie Armas

Salud: Consejos para vivir más tiempo

Haga al menos 30 minutos de ejercicio diario. No es ningún secreto; tener un estilo de vida saludable a base de una buena dieta (sana y variada) unido al ejercicio físico diario controlado, ayudan a mejorar la calidad de vida y aumenta la esperanza de vida. Estos son los dos pilares fundamentales para gozar de […]

¿Qué es la psoriasis?

La etimología de la palabra psoriasis viene del griego y significa condición con picor. Psora significa picazón y el sufijo iasis, acción, condición. Se piensa que por primera vez fue descrita por Cornelius Celsus en la antigua Roma. La enfermedad primero fue clasificada por un médico inglés, Thomas William, y el dermatólogo británico Thomas Bateman […]

Anti-Oxidants Testing

[column width=”1/2″ last=”true” title=”” title_type=”single” animation=”none” implicit=”true”] Introduction to Anti-oxidants testing and Free Radicals Anti-Oxidants testing:  We come into this world with healthy cells, but every day the negative effects of free radicals add to the damage of the previous day. In fact, many of the processes we call “aging” are simply evidence of the […]

Medical Weight Loss

What will you learn? As part of our Weight Loss Programs, by analyzing your genetic code, along with answers to a lifestyle questionnaire, the Pathway Fit report gives you the power to understand your metabolism, eating behaviors, and your response to exercise, as well as the best ways to reach and maintain a healthy weight […]

Food Intolerance Test

The Technology Food allergy is an IgE immune system response that is typically characterized by hives, shortness of breath, upset stomach and in some cases anaphylaxis. The most common food allergies are to nuts, shellfish, wheat and dairy. According to the Food Allergy & Anaphylaxis Network, only about 4% of the United States population has […]

Adrenal Stress Profiling

An increased cortisol level, a decreased DHEA-S level, or a decrease in the DHEA-S cortisol ratio is an indication of a chronically stressful physical or mental condition.Stress is a major underlying cause of many chronic illnesses, from Chronic Fatigue Syndrome to food and environmental allergies. A stressful lifestyle can lead to consistently high levels of […]

Salivary Hormone Testing

Importance of Hormone Testing Hormonal imbalances have been linked to a broad spectrum of health conditions and clinical symptoms in both men and women. As science has shown, hormones decline and change as we age. Identifying and managing such changes is critical in the prevention of many chronic diseases. Measuring critical hormone levels and interpreting […]